Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dear Future Dottie,

Dear future Dottie,

Today we start work week in preparation for your recruitment class. We will be working hard so that you fall in love with the house the same way I did. We will sing porch songs and practice handshakes, we will run down the stairs and step in sync. But this week will all be worth it on Bid Day when I get to watch you step off the party bus at the door step and know that your have found your home just like me.

I know that you are nervous, but don't worry we are way more nervous than you. Don't be afraid to be yourself, it's our job to help you fell welcome into our home. Don't stress too much, your dress looks beautiful. So what if you can't get every hair perfectly curled? It's okay to sweat, it's hot. And please drink the water I offer you.

I want to tell you how ready I am to meet you. I have waited years to meet you. I have planned each craft I'm going to make for you on reveal week, I have already planned activists, and I'm not the only one. The entire pledge fam is anxiously awaiting your arriving. Your grandbig is ready to spoil and protect you, the way every grandma does to her first born grandchildren.  Your great aunt is ready for any late night conversation you ever need, she'll answer a phone call no matter what time. Your pledge second cousin  is always there to make you laugh, when you are having a good day or bad, she will be there for you. You have a pledge great Uncle, yes a boy, he wasn't provided by the sorority but we don't know what we'd do without him. He will cook for you and love you the way an uncle should. He will get early morning coffee with you and take you to the farmers market. Your great grandbig is a long ways away but she will still serve as the best role model you could ever find, she is confident, strong and passionate. She is determined and independent, all the things I hope that you find when you join our pledge family.

And back to me, I made a few mistakes with academics and had to wait longer to meet you. But that just means I'm even more ready to be your big. I promise that I will answer your calls and questions. I will spoil you and take you to all the best places in town. I will pick you up from class when it's too cold or snowing. I will hold movie nights at my apartment when you want to get out of the dorm. I will hand down my Tri Delta stuff to you. And know that when you join our pledge family you are joining the closest pledge family you could find. They will each tell you they are the most excited to have you, but don't listen, it's definitely me!

See you soon,
Your future big

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