Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Behind Chic Greek

This is my first post! Yay! I have written blogs that have done decently well, but I am looking forward to this one!

Why Chic Greek?
Because it's a cute name. And what girl doesn't want to create a blog about things they like; Greek life, crafts, fashion, shopping, etc..

Who am I?
My name is Maddi Majeski, I'm a freshman at the University of Kansas studying behavioral neuroscience on a pre-med track. I am a member of Delta Delta Delta and serve as the current Assistant New Member Educator. I am also a coach for the Douglas County Special Olympics. I am involved on campus and like to think of myself as crafty.

Because questions are fun to answer and I'm ready to jump in to my first blog post, I will answer questions that someone has deemed 'good get to know you questions' so here we go:

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I have always wanted to live somewhere exotic with jungles and lushness, I would probably say New Zealand. Although Greece doesn't sound too shabby either.

What is your biggest fear?
Birds - no questions. Scary as hell

What is your favorite family vacation?
We took  23 people to Turk and Caicos. It was amazing!

What would you change about yourself if you could?
I would change my ability to comprehend math, or anything related to math.
Image result for math gif
What really makes you angry?
When people chew with their mouth open. Do they want me to punch them?

What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?
The last movie I watched was Wolf of Wall Street. I'm unsure about my feelings toward it. I enjoyed parts and didn't enjoy others. I am always down for some DiCaprio though... ;)

What would you sing at Karaoke night?
RESPECT by Aretha Franklin, I may not be good at it but I can put it down

Baby Mojo. JJ. MadDog (but what Maddi hasn't). Bug. Maddi J.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Not enough! Actually... A LOT! And my roommates are thankful for that!

What's your favorite zoo animal?
A lion. I used to volunteer at an animal sanctuary and I got to feed two baby lion cubs and it was fantastic. It however was not so awesome when one of the baby tigers climbed my leg and bit me...
Image result for baby lion
How many pillows do you sleep with?
No fewer than two.

How often do you buy clothes?
Depending who you ask... Me? Not enough. My mother? All the time.

Are you in a relationship?
I have been with the same guy since my freshman year of high school.

Favorite Movie?
Dirty Dancing, no questions asked!

Love or Hate roller coasters?
LOVE! Could ride them all day long!

Have you ever had a surprise party? Was it actually a surprise?
Yes! For my 18th birthday party my best friend had some of my friends waiting at my house after play practice. I walked in and someone jumped out at me, I ran, screamed, and hid in the corner... It was awesome!

Who was your first crush?
My first crush's first name was Bret, don't know his last. He sat by me in the first grade and I threw up on him and he wasn't even mad.

Where did you grow up?
I was born in Salina, Kansas, spent the first 10 years of my life were lived in Spearfish, South Dakota.
And the last 9 have been in Louisburg, Kansas.

Image result for Louisburg KS

Dream Job?
Pediatric Neurologist

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